Reading Express
BOOK 1 BOOK 2 BOOK 3 BOOK 4 1. Articles 1. Possessives 1. Present continuous 1. Past tense 2. Countable nouns 2. Pronouns 2. Present simple verb 2. Present simple verb 3. Uncountable nouns 3. Adjectives 3. Pats simple tense 3. Future tense 4. Plurals 4. Adverbs of manner 4. Future tense 4. It is ...to... 5. Adjectives 5. Adverbs of frequency 5. conjunction(but, and) 5. Comparison 6. Be Verbs 6. Present continuous 6. ...Before... 6. Superlative 7. There is / are... 7. Present simple verb 7. ...because... 7. Clause 8. Present simple 8. Phrases of time 8. Adverbs 8. The causative 9. Abili
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Talk Fun 1
Talk Fun 是一套環繞日常生活會話所寫出的主題書,讓孩子在日常生活中與人互動時皆可輕鬆有自信的說美語,Talk Fun其內容含蓋中西文化跟其他以西文化為主的會話教材不同。第一冊有6個主題分別圍繞在家庭和學校生活。