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Reading Express

Reading Express

BOOK 1 BOOK 2 BOOK 3 BOOK 4 1. Articles 1. Possessives 1. Present continuous 1. Past tense 2. Countable nouns 2. Pronouns 2. Present simple verb 2. Present simple verb 3. Uncountable nouns 3. Adjectives 3. Pats simple tense 3. Future tense 4. Plurals 4. Adverbs of manner 4. Future tense 4. It is ...to... 5. Adjectives 5. Adverbs of frequency 5. conjunction(but, and) 5. Comparison 6. Be Verbs 6. Present continuous 6. ...Before... 6. Superlative 7. There is / are... 7. Present simple verb 7. ...because... 7. Clause 8. Present simple 8. Phrases of time 8. Adverbs 8. The causative 9. Abili

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選擇教材應從幼兒的生活經驗出發,再逐漸擴展。在學習的過程中加入一些劇情或情感的要素,國小英文教材引導孩子多做情境聯想。把握以下重點,與孩子一起挑選適合的線上幼兒美語!孩子最愛的遊戲式教學。1對1真人英文家教。全球嚴選師資任你挑。課程: 兒童英文 沉浸式學習, 真人線上教學, 親子共學。兒美教材讓你簡單學英文,美語教材打好基礎免煩惱!
選擇教材應從幼兒的生活經驗出發,再逐漸擴展。在學習的過程中加入一些劇情或情感的要素,國小英文教材引導孩子多做情境聯想。把握以下重點,與孩子一起挑選適合的線上幼兒美語!孩子最愛的遊戲式教學。1對1真人英文家教。全球嚴選師資任你挑。課程: 兒童英文 沉浸式學習, 真人線上教學, 親子共學。兒美教材讓你簡單學英文,美語教材打好基礎免煩惱!